Penalties and Violations:
• “Warning” penalty
1. A warning gag is a penalty specified for minor Violations.
2. The basis for a gag is flooding, all caps, spam, or flaming.
3. The form of punishment is blocking chat communications for one minute.
• “Flooding” penalty
1. A flooding gag is a penalty specified for Violations in the communications section, either chat or forum.
2. The basis for imposing a gag is the repetition of a flood / all caps / spam / flame after a warning, or a report of trading outside the Trade channel, as well as pointless and repeated complaints about the messages of other players.
3. Description of flooding, spam, all caps, and flaming.
Flooding: Using location channel to repeat any words, phrases, demands, symbols, or smileys in a repetitive, anoying and/or displeasant manner OR using location channel to trade or to offer services to the general population OR using trade channel to repeat trading offers or offers for services (like healing, lockpicking, clan admission) more than once per 4 minutes. Clan membership advertisments should not be repeated any more than once per 10 minutes.
Spam: littering the chat area in any manner, specifically sending to chat senseless messages, or those not associated in sense and language.
All CAPS: writing with the use of capital letters or punctuation marks 50% or more of the content of a message.
Trade: suggestions to buy, sell, or exchange goods, suggestions for services, and other messages, from which the distributor, or any player, can derive some benefit, either in the material sense or in any form, outside the trade channel.
Description for the forum:
Off-topic: discussion of questions having no relation to the section theme.
Flaming: open clarification of relationships.
Spam: littering the chat area in any manner, specifically sending to chat senseless messages, or those not associated in sense and language.
4. Form of penalty.
In chat: block on chat availability for 15 minutes, and for repeated violation, for 30 minutes;
In the forum: block on the possibility of writing messages for 24 hours.
• "Offensive language" penalty
1. A gag for offensive language or vulgarity is a penalty specified for Violations in the communications section, either chat or forum.
2. The basis for imposing a gag is insults of other players and the opposing race without the application of obscene words, threat of violence in reality, provocations to insults/swearing, deliberate interference in the work of a guard, baseless public accusations, the use of offensive derivative words in the characters' names (example: Konfederast. Arsassasin)
3. The form of penalty.
In chat: block on all communications for 1 hour, and after repeated violation for 2 hours;
In the forum: block on possibility of writing messages from 3 days to a week, depending on the form of the message.
• “Foul language” penalty
1. A gag for gutter talk is a penalty specified for Violations in the communications section, either chat or forum.
2. The basis for imposing a gag is the use of foul language, sexual harassment, use of ambiguous expressions that have double meanings and can be seen as vulgar or obscene (replacing letters in words with dots, blanks or special characters (*, #,$, and similar.)
This penalty can also be imposed for discussing and advertising any products not directly related to the game,
3. Form of penalty.
In chat: block on communications availability for 3 hours, and after repeated violation for 6 hours;
In the forum: block on writing messages from 3 days to a week, depending on the form of the message.
• “Politics” penalty
1. A gag for politics is a penalty specified for Violations in the communications section, either chat or forum.
2. The basis for imposing a gag is conversation about politics, actions of politicians, or the policy of any state.
3. Form of penalty.
In chat: block on all communications for 5 hours, and after repeated violation for 10 hours;
In the forum: block on possibility of writing messages from 3 days to a week, depending on the form of the message.
• “Racist or inflamatory talk” penalty
1. A gag for racist or inflamatory talk is a penalty specified for Violations in the communications section, either chat or forum.
2. The basis for imposing a gag is expressions of a racist nature and/or attempts to inflame racial tensions or talk that deviates into issues outside the world of Faeo, ie: AIDS, STDs etc, such talk should be kept in Private chat. Only topics that are game related and friendly for everyone's participation are allowed.
3. Form of penalty.
In chat: block on all communications for 12 hours, and after repeated violation for 24 hours;
In the forum: block on possibility of writing messages from 3 days to a week, depending on the form of the message.
• “External links” penalty
1. A gag for unauthorized links is a penalty specified for Violations in the communications section, either chat or forum.
2. The basis for imposing a gag is by considering as unauthorized any link that is not associated with this project; i.e., whose base url is not related to the any Legend: Legacy of the Dragons URL, for instance
3. Form of penalty.
Please do not try to complain or try any explanations in the chat. The moderator's decision in this instance is final. If you are not satisfied with the actions of the moderators, send your complaints via jail/ban/appeal e-mail.
We will carefully investigate your complaint and take the necessary actions.
In chat: block on communications for 1 day, and after repeated violation for 2 days;
In the forum: block on possibility of writing messages from 1 days to a complete block, depending on the form of the message.