Basic Description.
- Instance lives 2 days. A new one is created 5 days after previous closes.
To enter you need a party of at least 3 and a completed quest to have the amulet
of free passage
- Almost every other location has a well-shaped stash in it.
You can click on it to find one of these: Elaborate Coffer, Precious Coffer, or Privy Coffer. To open them you will need to buy keys (sold in
the shop for hunters of the Undead). Inside you will find undead elixirs:
Giant, Life, Power, Vampire, Blood, Devourer Orb. To use all of the above you need to have at least
9 secret knowledge points and learn the handbook (can be bought in the old library in the fortress of
- Transfer time is around 20 seconds
Tactics on up to Zuliman are all the same: Enter fight at the same time, throw poison scrolls on the mage, block and stall till he dies. Remove the poison he casts on you, then remove the casts on the rest of the guards, after mage's death summon if necessary, Yur belt should have 1 slot of poison, 1 slot of antimagic and 1 slot of charm dispersals.
Trip to Agudar Monsters Magic To remove
Pyromancer Wraith 376 hp x1
Necromancer's Handiwork
Fury of the Damned
Trip to Levreta Monsters Magic To remove
Necromancer's Handiwork
Ice Barrier
Deadly Splash
Trip to Zuliman Monsters Magic To remove
Necromancer's HandiworkMastery of the
Shroud of Primeval Darkness
Cloud of the Dead
Due to the size limit of posts I have to split this guide in 2. Continuation is found here.
For info on how to fight bosses, click here.