Warriors! Another test of strength lies ahead, bringing out the best in you,
as war always does... You will face warriors of the enemy nation in a
hand-to-hand struggle, hacking and slashing your way to victory.
Your Commander will await you on the battlefield, he expects you to join him
and destroy your enemies.
Everything is allowed during the battle, so use
your equipment wisely.
Summons may be used until the battle reaches the
status of a Great Battle, then no new summons may be used.
The Commanders will wait for you on the Plateau of
Silence. They will prepare everything for the battle, thus, at 15:00
Faeo time the Plateau of Silence will be inaccessible. Access
will be granted at 16:00 Faeo time. You can join the battle at 16:15 Faeo time.
The participants in this battle will be rewarded with additional
At 16:15 the battle shall start and you may join your
Commanders in their titanic struggle for domination. The access to the Plateau
of Silence will be granted to level 3 and 4 warriors only